Tom Bush BMW Orange Park

Tom Bush BMW Orange Park | Jacksonville, FL


Nov 18, 2022

Nestled between the engine and the tailpipe, your catalytic converter serves the important function of cleaning your exhaust emissions. BMW converters are extremely durable, but over time even the toughest converter can sometimes run into trouble. Let’s take a look at five indicators that it’s time to visit your local BMW dealership to have your converter repaired or replaced.

Does Your BMW Need a New Catalytic Converter?

You Hear Metallic Rattling 

Inside the stainless steel housing of your BMW’s converter lies a complex catalyst system. The fume-cleaning catalyst is a ceramic honeycomb packed with rhodium, palladium, and platinum, which turn toxic fumes into harmless gases.

When jolted too hard, struck by a rock or pothole, or otherwise impacted, the delicate inner pieces of a catalyst can sometimes come loose. In this case, you’ll hear a metallic rattling sound from under your car. Unfortunately, a converter thus damaged will usually need to be replaced.

Your Engine Loses Power

Any disruption to the flow of air into your car’s engine reduces the engine’s ability to generate power. This is because the combustion chambers require a precise mix of both fuel and oxygen. When the oxygen component is lessened, the engine struggles to generate as much power.

It may seem odd, but a faulty or blocked converter will often slow the inflow of air into the engine. This is because the air needs to escape through the converter and tailpipe. If a blocked converter doesn’t allow this, then less air can enter the system. So if you experience a sudden loss of acceleration or engine power, you might need a new converter.

You Notice Black Exhaust Smoke

If a faulty converter clogs the flow of air, the fuel-air mixture inside the engine’s combustion chambers will become fuel-heavy. This leads to excess fuel, which is expelled through the exhaust system, emerging from the tailpipe in the form of black smoke. Sometimes, you’ll even see flames in the smoke as it ignites.

Your Car Idles Roughly

As you no doubt know, a healthy BMW engine emits nothing more than a silky smooth purr as it idles. If you ever notice sputtering and rough idling, this is likely because something is inhibiting the airflow. The excess unburned fuel inside the combustion chambers is smothering the spark plugs in a sooty residue, reducing their effectiveness.

Your Local BMW Dealer Can Diagnose the Problem

Rough idling often indicates trouble with either your air filter or your converter. It might also be caused by a dirty fuel filter, a defective fuel pump, clogged fuel injectors, or something else. You’ll usually need to have a technician diagnose the problem for you.

You Smell Hydrogen Sulfide 

When a converter fails to turn toxic emissions into cleaner gases, the toxic fumes will make it out of your car. One of those gases is hydrogen sulfide, which has a pungent smell, similar to that of rotten eggs. S if you notice such a stink while driving, have your converter checked promptly.

To have your converter examined, repaired, or replaced today, visit Tom Bush BMW Orange Park. We’re an award-winning local dealership dedicated to providing consistently top-notch service to every single customer who steps foot through our doors.